The Sky’s The Limit

BC-Alta Developments

Residential and Commercial Design

Our team of expert engineer and architectural consultants have an eye for structural design. We are constantly implementing innovative design and construction methods to enhance and sustain the environment. We strongly believe anything is possible with positivity and collective thought.

Residential and Commercial Design

Our team of expert engineer and architectural consultants have an eye for structural design. We are constantly implementing innovative design and construction methods to enhance and sustain the environment. We strongly believe anything is possible with positivity and collective thought.

BC-Alta Developments

Current & Future Projects

Veteran’s Memorial Parkway
Our current project is on the company’s private land on Veteran’s Memorial Parkway – 3460-3461 Veteran’s Memorial Parkway Colwood, BC. We are proposing a mixed-use project with residential and commercial applications. Due to current market trends, area demographics, and a quickly growing population, we believe multi-family units with the first floors being utilized for a commercial application are the best way to supplement the Colwood community.

We are proposing a medical facility with a walk-in clinic and pharmacy, a local coffee/pastry shop, a steakhouse restaurant, and a classy neighbourhood pub. Instead of the current trend of single-family developments, the community needs more commercial and mixed-used projects to support the existing and future population.

Veteran’s Memorial Parkway

This image (The Veteran’s Memorial Parkway Rezoning & Development Permit Image) depicts the project site running parallel to Havenwood Park. This site in no way encroaches on, or is a part of Havenwood Park. It is privately owned land that has been approved for development based on the plans in the following image.

The image (with the long horizontal rectangle graph on top) depicts the plans that are already approved by the municipality. These plans would entail a large scale clear-cutting and re-grading compared to what we are now proposing.

The current proposal (full colour hand-drawn rendering) is in line with our project goals to maintain as much green space and trees as possible while undertaking a project that will supplement Colwood’s growing community with multi-family, a medical clinic with pharmacy, a local coffee/pastry shop, a steakhouse, ice cream parlor, and classy neighborhood pub. The proposed project also produces a tenfold increase in taxable revenue for the municipality to implement back into the community compared to what zoning we already have approved. Everything is completed to scale combining architectural, engineering, landscaping, and arborist studies.

Four generations of land development, real estate, construction and sales experience. A truly family-run, all in-house development business.
What sets this project apart?
Over 58% of privately owned land donated as parkland
BC-Alta Developments delegated and donated over 58% of this site worth over fifteen million dollars of real estate to the municipality in efforts to conserve as parkland and green space.
This is unheard of.

Environmental sustainability

As our past project on Wishart illustrates, we are dedicated to sustainable development with an emphasis on solar and smart home technologies. There is a very small number of developmental projects on the island that have pursued this approach. We are firm believers that our environment comes first.

We will stick to the status quo

We intend to follow the same principles and approach in development for the proposed project on Veteran’s Memorial Parkway. As was shown on our previous project, we once again intend to have harmony and balance between our environment and the proposed project on VMP.
Parent company Cal-Alta Management was formed over 35 years ago. BC-Alta Developments was incorporated as the BC branch. We brought over what we know and love. BC-Alta takes pride in our approach to development. We are constantly pursuing innovative methods to apply alongside our passion of residential and commercial real estate.
Why we Do it
Real estate and development is our calling. Our passion for timeless design and tasteful development encourages us to break the mold each time. This passion allows us to constantly grow and learn which for us, is priceless.
Live, Learn, & Adapt
BC-Alta Developments is dedicated to continually learn and adapt with time. Smart and environmentally sustainable development is something we take seriously to ensure that our efforts are not only appreciated by our clients but also ensure longevity. Our future is just as, if not more important than our present.
Sign to show your support 
Please show your support for our plans to keep over 57% greenspace while building low environmental impact designs to benefit the Colwood community through rental units, medical clinic and pharmacy, a local coffee and pastry shop, a steakhouse and classy neighbourhood pub!

Community Petition

  • Dear Colwood Community,

    We are proposing a mixed use, multi-family development to supplement Colwood’s growing community as part of the next phase of the Wishart Road development. We intend to have a medical walk-in clinic, a neighbourhood pub/restaurant, and a local coffee and pastry shop. We would sincerely appreciate your input and support to decide the future of our community.
  • Clear Signature
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